Heiveld: +32.(0)9 228 32 40 Visitatie: +32.(0)9 228 34 62
Met Erasmus+ naar Budapest zondag 29 mei 2022

De reis naar Boedapest met Erasmus was echt een topervaring! Ik leerde nieuwe mensen, de stad en het lokale leven kennen. Daarvoor ben ik heel dankbaar. Ik zou het zo opnieuw doen!

We hadden een drukke week met veel activiteiten. Het centrale thema was chocolade. Er stonden workshops op de planning waarin we chocoladezeep maakten en chocolade tempereerden. We leerden ook meer over de geschiedenis van chocolade en natuurlijk hebben we ook veel chocolade geproefd! In het begin van de week maakten we een bordspel met als thema de film ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ dat we samen naspeelden op de laatste dag.

Na de workshops hebben we de stad beter leren kennen aan de hand van een stadsspel, waarbij we raadsels moesten oplossen om zo meer tips over locaties te weten te komen. Boedapest is een grote stad met veel gezellige plekjes waar we na de schooluren met de hele groep naartoe gingen. We zijn bijvoorbeeld samen naar het Margaretha-eiland en de thermen geweest.

De laatste dag werd er een picknick op de school georganiseerd, waarbij iedereen iets typisch uit zijn land meenam. Op die manier waren er veel verschillende lekkere dingen uit de Azoren, Hongarije, Portugal, Spanje en België.

Ik zal de reis naar Boedapest nooit vergeten. Ik heb heel veel nieuwe vrienden gemaakt en het was een megaleuke tijd. Ik raad iedereen aan om zich in te schrijven voor de volgende Erasmusreis, want je zal er zeker geen spijt van krijgen!

Hannah Alexander (4WET2)

Kan een afbeelding zijn van 2 mensen en buitenshuis

Van 14 mei tot 21 mei was er de laatste meeting van Erasmus+CHoC. Leerlingen en collega’s uit Barcelona, de Azoren, Budapest en Pisa maakten met onze leerlingen een onvergetelijke week. Enkele impressies, in het Engels, de voertaal van de internationaliseringsprojecten.

Going to Budapest was not only so much fun, but was also an experience to never forget. I have learned a lot thanks to Erasmus which I’m so greatful for. I’ve met a lot of new people who I became really good friends with. Thanks to this opportunity, I’m more open to learn new people and new things. Erasmus creates connection between people around the world. It was openminding to see how other people live in an other country where i’ve never been. It was so fun to discover the habits that they have and the food that they eat. I will never experience something like this again. I’ve made memories for live with people from around the world that I didn’t even know a week ago. Crazy!

I was really excited to go to Budapest and I wasn’t dissapointed. I have met new people from different countrys. I had never been in Budapest and now I was and I really wanna go back. I have become really good friends with my host. It is so nice because you can travel to eachother. You get to know a new culture and make a lot of new friends with different mindsets where you can learn from. You become so fast friends with people in only one week. This experience makes me wanna go on erasmus when I’m studying after high school. It really opens your eyes because you see different things than in your own country, you realise that is not everywhere the same as in your own country. I am really happy and thankful that I was able to do this.

I love traveling so much so I was really exited when I heard I could go to Budapest. This is one of the most beautiful city’s I have ever seen, and it was so much fun to live in such a big city for one week. You can learn a lot from doing an erasmus project. You can discover yourself as a person and learn a lot from the other people who are there. The thing i love most about erasmus is meeting new people and getting to know the life style of people from other countries and discover there culture. I made a lot of new friends and build really close relationships with them in such a short period of time. And now you have a lot of friends all over Europe where you can stay at if you travel to there country.               I made a lot of memories that I will remember fort the rest of my life! Thank you Erasmus+ for this opportunity!

I enjoyed the week in Budapest very much! I’ve made a lot of new friends from different ages. I always loved travelling and meeting new cultures because you can learn from it. It’s wonderful how you see that people from different countries come together and learn eachother a lot of things. At the end of the week, you are so close that you not want to go home. Now I have a lot of new friends in different countries and that feels so nice. I think that this week was good for everything; you speak a lot of English, you are independed, you learn many new things…
I’m so thankful and happy that I got this opportunity. I would do it immediatly again!!


Travelling is one of my most favorite things to do and I am so greatfull that I could experience this unforgetable week. I never expected to get so close with people i only know for about a few days and this in a mesmerizing city! The thought of having friends on the other side of Europe is so unreal. I am so thankfull that i had the opportunity to do this.


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